Sample code:
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
st.execute("CREATE TABLE test (ID COUNTER PRIMARY KEY, TextField TEXT(50))");
st.execute("INSERT INTO test (TextField) VALUES ('Alpha')"); // -> ID=1
// direct insert into AutoNumber field is OFF by default
st.execute("INSERT INTO test (ID, TextField) VALUES (3, 'Bravo')"); // -> ID=2, not 3
// allow direct insert into AutoNumber field
st.execute("DISABLE AUTOINCREMENT ON test");
st.execute("INSERT INTO test (ID, TextField) VALUES (7, 'Golf')"); // -> ID=7
st.execute("INSERT INTO test (ID, TextField) VALUES (4, 'Delta')"); // -> ID=4
// revert to default behaviour
st.execute("ENABLE AUTOINCREMENT ON test");
st.execute("INSERT INTO test (TextField) VALUES ('Hotel')"); // -> ID=8
- Direct insert of values ≤ 0 is
currently notnow supported as of version 4.0.3. - If you use DISABLE AUTOINCREMENT ON tablename then you must always supply a value for the AutoNumber column. Later on, if you need AutoNumber values to be automatically assigned then you need to ENABLE AUTOINCREMENT ON tablename again.